
Meet the
Heroes4Hunger Team

Our 2024 Vision

We hope Heroes4Hunger’s 2024 Ramadan Food Drive can raise enough money to feed everyone in Dublin who needs support during the month of Ramadan. While I and many others are fasting, I hope that nobody else in our city will go hungry during Ramadan ever again and hope that other communities follow suit.

What it Entails

We have partnered with the Alameda County Community Food Bank to create a virtual food drive and set up bins at many different schools in our city of Dublin. You can donate by dropping off cans at one of the listed designated locations, or you can donate by clicking the Donate button below. This has been set up by the youth in Dublin and will be live for all of Ramadan (March 11- April 9). Thank you so much in advance.

Participating 2024Schools

Heroes4Hunger speaking at the Dublin City Council -2024

Virtual Food Drive - 2024

Canned Food Drive - 2024